Sunday, September 27, 2009

We're Back!

We're back from our trip and although it was wonderful spending time with Ray and not thinking about my disease so much, I'm glad to be back home sleeping in my own bed.

My hair growth seems to have taken on a life of it's own. It often reminds me of a man's straggly beard, with each tiny strand sticking out every which way. If it wasn't so daggone unattractive, it would be funny! Same with my eyebrows. I need a trip to the beauty salon.

My next oncology appointment is October 1st. I am looking forward to seeing Dr. Carraway since she is back from maternity leave. She will probably schedule my 3rd Lumbar Puncture for the same day.

I am feeling fantastic and am so grateful to be able to say that. I ran into some friends this afternoon whom I hadn't seen for quite some time and who were unaware of my diagnosis. As I was relaying to them all that had happened, I was reminded how incredibly blessed I am. I, or possibly Ray alone, could easily be telling a much different story. Instead, my story is full of hope and plans for the future. I'm grateful for the moments, those little reminders, of what could have been - it keeps things in perspective.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Still Traveling

Ray and I are still traveling and having a great time. The weather has really cooperated and we've settled into this perfect rhythm even though we're in a different motel every night. I'm getting lots of rest (we're not rocking out the town by any means) and usually take a cat nap in the car each day so all in all the trip has been relaxing and calm. We went to Mackinac Island today which required a ferry boat trip and lots of walking, but I did just fine although tonight I am beat and will be in bed early. At least Ray has Monday night football to keep him company.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Getting Better and Having Fun

Last week was Lumbar Puncture #2 and yet another "position". This time Dan (the Physician's Assistant) had me lay on my side and pull my knees up to my chest as high as I could, i.e., the fetal position. It was very comfortable. He said I must be a real veteran when I didn't even flinch. After 7 of them I guess I am a veteran. My next appointment with my Oncologist is Oct. 1st.

I am feeling really good and have been given permission to join Ray for a 2-week business/pleasure road trip. We are in Pittsburgh as of this writing and will continue to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska (just the northern borders). That's the business part. The pleasure part comes when we head north through Wisconsin and Minnesota to Canada (Thunder Bay), then back to the US to Michigan (Mackinaw and the Upper Pennisula) and then back to Canada and Niagra Falls and home through Buffalo, etc. I am very excited to see it all as I've never been to that part of the country or to Niagra Falls which has been on my bucket list for a long, long time. We'll also see 3 or 4 of the Great Lakes - awesome!

I was kinda surprised that I was allowed to leave for 2 weeks, but the docs and nurses at Hopkins believe that a big part of the healing process is allowing their patients to have fun and get back to doing normal activities as soon as possible. I agree with that philosophy. People need other people and things that bring them joy, to be out among the living and get involved in life again instead of worrying about their disease. Of course I have to be careful and use caution when necessary - we are afterall, entering the flu season. See ya soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 100 Approaches

Tomorrow will be Day 100 post-BMT. I can hardly believe so much time has passed and so much "stuff" has transpired. It's truly been an amazing journey thus far and I'm happy to report that I am feeling really, really good. It's as though the Leukemia gods have finally accepted the fact that nothings going to break my stride and have released me from my suffering.

This past weekend was fantastic. I spent some good quality time with loving family and friends - we all know that can never hurt the healing. Tomorrow I visit the Doctor for a routine appointment and then nothing until next Thursday, the 10th, when I get my 2nd Lumbar Puncture. The fluid retention issue is under control and I can get my shorts buttoned again - as a matter of fact, they're down right baggy! So things are looking up - I'm feeling stronger every day and my new-found activity has slowly helped me to rebuild some of my lost muscle tone.