Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Things Are Going

I had another visit to the oncologist since my last posting at which I had a bone marrow biopsy, extensive blood work and shots (immunizations).

My bone marrow biopsy showed that there are still no leukemia cells present - good news, for sure. I was at the dental school when the call came in from Dr. Carraway. I wouldn't normally answer a call while there, but just couldn't resist when I saw who it was that was calling. Surprisingly, after receiving the good news I had a complete melt-down. I was so unaware of how much tension I was holding in anticipation. After several moments of thanking God and proclaiming to the Universe how very grateful I am, I managed to compose myself and had proceeded to have my teeth cleaned! I don't think poor Lauren, my dental student, knew quite what to do, but, gosh, what a relief. I won't have to have another bone marrow biopsy for 5 whole months.

On the same day as my biopsy, I had extensive blood work done which included the usual stuff - white counts, red counts, neutrophils, potassium, liver and kidney function, etc., But, this time I was also checked for cholesterol, thyroid, and Vitamin D deficiency. I'm proud to say that my cholesterol is only 120. The rest I am unsure about at this writing. I had a bone density scan done and will find out the results soon.

On the same day I had 5 immunizations - pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine, tetanus and diphtheria, and the polio vaccine. In two months I'll get their boosters. Then, no more shots until this time next year when (if I recall correctly) I'll get mumps, measles and rubella. They are live vaccines and apparently my system can't handle a live vaccine just yet.

So that's where I am at this point. Healthy and happy and full of hope for the future.

Thanks again for your support and good thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming.