Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Team In Training

I am very proud to tell you that my daughter, Stephanie is raising money and awareness by running in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training Marathon that will take place in Orlando, Florida in January. There is lots of information about the event and her participation it it at Her committment is $3500.00 so if you happen to have a couple of dollars laying around that you don't need........well, just sayin'.

Stephanie has honored me by running this marathon in my name. I am touched to the point of spontaneous combustion and would love to see her achieve her goal. She has never run a marathon before so while this is a little out of her comfort zone, I say "Kudos" for stepping out and trying something new. I'm not sure I would be so brave.

As far as I am concerned - well, I am doing just fine. I have had a glorious summer thus far and have really taken the time to savor every moment. I have times when I get one of those scary reality checks, and I know that complications may come my way some day, but right now I just try to make each day count. I am so very blessed.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

I just celebrated my 61st birthday on July 3rd and never thought I'd feel so happy to be growing older! Needless to say, I spent a lot of time reflecting on the past two years and all that I've been through. I'm grateful that it's behind me (hopefully forever) and thankful that I am now living a healthy and happy life doing all the things that bring me joy and fill my spirit with positive thoughts.

Thank you for your continued support and well-wishes and thanks for the birthday shout-outs too! Love to you all.