Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Well, they've finally figured out what is wrong with me and why I am feeling so poorly. I have a virus known as Cytomegalovirus (CMV).

CMV is a common virus that infects most people at some time during their lives but rarely causes obvious illness. It is a member of the herpes virus family, like chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, fever blisters and genital herpes. Like other herpes viruses, CMV can remain dormant for a while and then reactivate at a later time. It's possible that this little gift came from my donor, but it's also possible that my sleeping CMV simply woke up. Because I have a suppressed immune system I am prone to these types of infections, and believe me, this one hit me hard. CMV is not uncommon among BMT patients and Hopkins protocol calls for regular blood tests to check for it. Although CMV infections are of concern for people like me, CMV pneumonia and CMV in the intestines are particularly worrisome because they can be fatal! EGAD! I am currently on mega doses of an antibiotic called Valcyte that costs a mere $1706.81! Double EGAD! Any drug that costs that much for a weeks worth ought to have me dancing the jig in no time, right? I will however, remain in IPOP another week so that my progress can be closely monitored and so when I'm released to Outpatient Services I'll be fully recovered. I'll be tested again next week for CMV and probably for weeks to come. I am told that the medication is likely to cause my white blood cells to drop so I'm glad they are now over 7,000. I am so relieved and ready to feel better - this has been going on way too long.

Now the really good news - my donor vs patient results are in and I now have 100% donor marrow. That is the best news ever! I am so excited about his you have no idea. Things are really looking up now!


  1. Hi Bev, This is really good news. Not that you have this virus, but that they now KNOW what it is and are treating it. I've always said you have to know your dragon to slay it!
    It is also good news about having ALL of Brad's marrow!! Does this (kind of) make you twins?? LOL I'm shocked at the cost of the antibiotic but if it does the trick it is worth it.
    Here's hoping you have a good weekend and maybe when you're feeling better we can do those crabs.
    Luv, Susan and Timmy

  2. Beverly - just want you to know I am followng your blog. Wonderful news about the donor marrow! Woohoo! Fantastic! Now to get rid of the nasty virus. Thinking of you! Be well.

  3. It's great to catch up. Your blog in incredible. Thanks for documenting so well. I'm very happy to hear your good news about Brad's marrow. That is excellent news actually. CMV is a bear, I hope you feel better sooner than later.
    Be well,
