Monday, October 12, 2009

Can't Believe It's October Already!

Wow! Where did September and the first 12 days of October go?

The last few weeks, while busy, have been good in regard to how I'm feeling. I have been enjoying my renewed energy level and my good health and am probably pushing things a little too hard. While all that is wonderful news, I still must exercise extreme caution - cold and flu season is upon us afterall. On my last oncology appointment on Oct. 1st I was given a flu shot and told there is no guarantee it would work, but it certainly won't hurt to have it either. I may or may not be given the H1N1 shot. Dr. Carraway is very happy with my progress. My next oncology appointment is Oct. 23rd.

This week I'll get Lumbar Puncture #3 and a bone marrow biopsy. The biopsy, along with some extensive blood work, is part of my 6-month post-bone marrow transplant which is actually Nov. 26th. I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, that's for sure! My last two LPs are Oct. 21st and 28th.

My hair is still trying to find its proper place and my chemo tan (in hidden cracks and crevices) is beginning to fade. I am attempting to do some walking to build up muscle tone (of which I have absolutely none right now) and am working on getting my facial skin back to normal. The chemo, the meds, the weight lose, and the transplant have left my body in complete disarray! No part of me knows quite how it is supposed to "act". I have this mental image of one body part talking to it's neighboring body part saying, "Well, we managed to survive, but how the hell do we get back to normal?"


  1. I hope the LP went well today!! Keep up the good work!!! You are beautiful inside & out!!

    Love, Kim
